Muslim brotherhood plan for america pdf

Muslim brotherhood plan for america pdf
One person who dared to speak out about the Islamist threat is Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, a devout Muslim-American who served as an officer in the U.S. navy and also as a physician to the US Congress. After the FBI released the radical Islamist manifesto describing how to destroy America from within, Dr. Jasser decided to investigate.
Please note: The Muslim Brotherhood timeline coincides with the 2020 date in the first article. NLA has exposed the Silver Bullet to America and the rest of the world via a new Tool to understand its power to Return this nation to the Republic it was designed to be.
It amounted to the Muslim Brotherhood‘s strategic plan for the United States and was entitled, ―An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.‖ The Explanatory Memorandum was written in 1991 by a member of the Board of Directors for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America and senior Hamas leader named Mohammed Akram.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Strategic Plan For America – Court Document November 2008 – Hold Land Foundation Trial – The Holy Land Foundation (HLF) was the largest Islamic charity in the United States. Headquartered in Richardson, Texas, it was originally known as Occupied Land Fund. In December 2001, the U.S. government designated HLF a terrorist organization, seized its assets, and closed the
North America, the archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America were discovered. The The documents reveal, in great detail, the strategic and operational plans of the Brotherhood in
HUDSON INSTITUTE [1] Synopsis T he leadershipof the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood (MB, or Ikhwan) has said that its goal was and is jihad aimed at destroying the U.S. from within.
It was written by a senior member of the Brotherhood in the United States, and in one of its points stated, “The process of settlement in America of the Muslim Brotherhood is a civilization, Jihadist process, with all the word means. The Brothers must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and
For example, in addition to CAIR, she highlights the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Muslim American Society (MAS), the Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPAC), the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) and many more tied to the Muslim Brotherhood by the Department of Justice in the Holy Land Foundation trial.
The Muslim Brotherhood Plan to Dominate North America The Muslim Brotherhood plan to dominate North America has five phases. The first phase is to establish Muslim institutions and implant key MB leadership on a very discreet or secret basis.
Researching the Muslim Brotherhood in America is a difficult mission. It’s not that the objectives of the Brotherhood are hard to find. Countless Islamic websites loudly proclaim their goal to create and rule a world-wide Islamic empire which they call a Caliphate. Since the Muslim Brotherhood has 2000 branches in 70 countries, their strategies are out there for anyone and everyone to find.
The Muslim Brotherhood, or al-Ikhwan (the Brothers) is a Middle Eastern religious and political movement whose stated goal is to instil the Qur’an and Sunnah as the “sole reference point for ordering the life of the Muslim family, individual, community, and state.”
The most notorious Muslim Brotherhood front group in the United States was the Texas-based and deceptively-named Holy Land Foundation (HLF), formerly the largest Muslim charity in America. In late 2008, HLF and its officers were convicted of financing Hamas and …
The strategic plan was written by a member of the Board of Directors for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America and senior Hamas leader named Mohammed Akram, and was approved by the Brotherhood’s Shura Council and Organizational Conference in 1987.

An Explanatory Memorandum From the Archives of the Muslim
INFO The New Crusaders
The Muslim Brotherhood’s “General Strategic Goal” for
The ultimate objective was not only an enlarged Muslim presence, but also implementation of the Brotherhood objectives of transforming pluralistic societies, particularly America, into Islamic states, and sweeping away Western notions of legal equality, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech.
It amounted to the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic plan for the United States and was entitled, “An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.” The Explanatory Memorandum was written in 1991 by a member of the Board of Directors for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America and senior Hamas leader named Mohammed Akram. It had been …
Muslim Brotherhood’s Deliberate, Premeditated Plan Now Reaching Maturity MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD OPERATIVES IN THE UNITED STATES: FOUR INFILTRATION ROUTES United Assn. for Study & Research Holy Land Foundation Islamic Society of North America 1963 Muslims of the Americas Jama’at al-Fuqua 1980 Int’l Institute of Islamic Thought Assn of Muslim Social Scientists Assn of Muslim …
I 114TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION H. R. 3892 To require the Secretary of State to submit a report to Congress on the designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organiza-
Our entire government has been completely infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood, who now even have their own political party. The U.S. government even trained ISIS in secret camps in Jordan. Obama flooded our country with Muslims in preparation for the coming war.
Calling for the utilization of various tactics, ranging from immigration, infiltration, surveillance, propaganda, protest, deception, political legitimacy and terrorism, The Project has served for more than two decades as the Muslim Brotherhood “master plan”.
ACT for America president and founder Brigitte Gabriel, speaks at the Family Research Council’s Watchmen on the Wall event about the threat of radical Islam. In . ACT for America president and founder Brigitte Gabriel, speaks at the Family Research Council’s Watchmen on the Wall event about the threat of radical Islam. In this clip she outlines the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan for the
The New World Order According to Osama bin Laden KEITH R. LAVERY Security Strategies Contributor, April 27th, 2009. The Plan In early 1942 General George C. Marshall, then Chief of Staff for the U.S. Army, met with President Franklin D. Roosevelt and other military planners to create the Allied strategy to win WW2.
19/09/2017 · It amounted to the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic plan for the United States and was entitled, “An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.” The Explanatory Memorandum was written in 1991 by a member of the Board of Directors for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America and senior Hamas leader named Mohammed Akram. It had …
ACT for America president and founder Brigitte Gabriel, speaks at the Family Research Council’s Watchmen on the Wall event about the threat of radical Islam. In this clip she outlines the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan for the destruction of Western civilization. The Muslim Brotherhood has spawned dozens and dozens of organizations across the globe
4 Stages of Islamic Conquest
“Muslim Brotherhood: Trump victory a ‘disaster,’” Middle East Monitor, November 9, 2016 (thanks to Lookmann): Donald Trump’s victory in the US elections is a “disaster” for the Arab and Muslim world, a Muslim Brotherhood spokesperson said today.
The New Muslim Brotherhood Logo and What it Symbolizes Saturday Steve Amundson, the Santa Monica counterjihadist we wrote about earlier ( see the article here ), wrote to us again.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Goal For North America. Secret Government Document Comes To Light “Exhibit 003-0085” by the US Federal Government documenting the real plan of the Muslim Brotherhood.
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Twenty-five years ago, Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradwai traveled to America and unpacked his plan for a Muslim takeover that would begin one year later and take 30 years to complete.
Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America – RADICAL Rational American’s Defending Individual Choice And Liberty Find this Pin and more on Government/Politics by BeccaBam Bina . Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America, if you vote for hillary clinton, this is what will happen
A number of Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers have attempted to downplay the significance of this document, claiming that it represents the view of one individual at a point in time. 23 The reality, however, is that the document was released by the Shura Council (governing body) of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America.
The plan was summarized in a 1991 memorandum written by Mohamed Akram, an operative of the Muslim Brotherhood. “The process of settlement” of Muslims in America, Akram explained, “is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process.’” This means that members of the Brotherhood “must understand that their work in “on”America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western
11/06/2017 · Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Master Plan Revealed To Conquer America Through “Civilization Jihad” This booklet contains an abridged, annotated
It amounted to the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic plan for the United States and was entitled, “An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.” The Explanatory Memorandum was written in 1991 by a member of the Board of Directors for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America and senior Hamas leader named Mohammed Akram .
Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America
The Muslim Brotherhood from within the US, operating from postions of power in the White House, is not conspiracy ‘theory’. Brigitte Gabriel, a recognized expert on Muslim/Jihadist subjects, holds in her hand the Brotherhood has had a long held plan for the destruction of America, as she seen in the video on the next page.
13/12/2015 · So you are saying that the Muslim Brotherhood is not chock full of Islamic extremists? That CAIR is a great moderate central spokesman for islam in America. That CAIR is a great moderate central spokesman for islam in America.
December 1982: Muslim Brotherhood Project to Infiltrate and Defeat the West Youssef Nada. [Source: Zuma Press/ NewsCom] In November 2001, Swiss investigators will search the home of Youssef Nada, the leader of Al Taqwa Bank, a Swiss bank that had just been shut down by the US and the UN for alleged ties to al-Qaeda, Hamas, and other radical militant groups (see November 7, 2001 ).
17/03/2018 · The Muslim Brotherhood in America clearly defined its goals in a 1991 document titled “The Explanatory Memorandum, ”5 which outlined the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic goals in North America. Federal prosecutors introduced this memorandum as evidence during
ACT for America president and founder Brigitte Gabriel, speaks at the Family Research Council’s Watchmen on the Wall event about the threat of radical Islam. In this clip she outlines the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan for the destruction of Western civilization. The Muslim Brotherhood has …
MEMORANDUM ON THE GENERAL STRATEGIC GOAL FOR THE GROUP IN NORTH AMERICA” The following Muslim Brotherhood document was en- tered into evidence in the U.S. v Holy Land Foundation trial, and is a primary source threat document that provides new insights into global jihad organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood. These documents (covered extensively in chapter four) …
Arab newspaper details Linda Sarsour and U.S. ‘Muslim Sisters’ allied to the Muslim Brotherhood
No Muslim Brotherhood in Oz! No Shari’a in Australia
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Strategic Plan For America – Court Document The following is the official document from a 1991 meeting which outlines the Muslim Brotherhood ’s strategic goals for North America.
America, meaning: establishing an effective and a stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents
The Muslim Brotherhood is directly linked to a huge number of Islamic organizations such as CAIR, ISNA, ICNA, MSA, MAS and others in America to create the framework for spreading the barbaric Islamic rules in the West.
The Muslim Brotherhood – Chapter 4: The structure and funding sources of the Muslim Brotherhood The Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamic mass movement whose worldview is based on the belief that “Islam is the solution” and on the stated aim of establishing a world order (a caliphate) based on Islamic religious law (Shariah) on the ruins of Western liberalism. – blank map of north and south america pdf 22/07/2015 · The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”
Even so, if the underbelly of their game plan is not understood at its base, it becomes impossible to connect the primacy of mid-December’s dot via NYC’s Islamic swearing-in. Mind you, its essence lies in a purposeful Islamic plan to “orient” America towards Islam. They are ahead of schedule.
ANALYSIS OF MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD’S GENERAL STATEGIC GOALS FOR NORTH AMERICA MEMORANDUM Stephen Coughlin 7 September 2007 INTRODUCTION The following is a brief analysis of a Muslim Brotherhood document entered into
In 2004, the FBI raided a house and found a trove of evidence on the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan to Islamacize America including their master plan: ‘An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America’.
13/05/2015 · The document “An Explanatory Memorandum On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America” appears to be the work of this self-described Muslim Brotherhood member, and purports to lay out the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.
Also see the Muslim Brotherhood “Project,” a plan to takeover the West, authored in 1982: the-muslim-brotherhood-project-a-plan-to-takeover-the-west Share this news Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window)
It is also chaired by Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi. We have acquired and translated an interview conducted with Saleha Abedin. According to Saleha, her Committee follows the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief.
By Civilus Defendus (video, pdf) STAGE 1: INFILTRATION. Muslims begin moving to non-Muslim countries in increasing numbers and the beginning of cultural conflicts are visible, though often subtle.
The Muslim Brotherhood plan for the infiltration and subordination of America is no different. Once again, the blueprint can be found in Hasan al-Banna’s Brotherhood bylaws, where, in Article (2

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Goal For America

27 best Brigitte Gabriel images on Pinterest Brigitte
CAIR Sarsour and US Submission Plan Muslim Brotherhood
February 2015 The Goal of the Muslim Brotherhood in

The structure and funding sources of the Muslim Brotherhood
Analysis of Muslim Brotherhood’s General Strategic Goals
Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for

Muslim Brotherhood 9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America

Cia muslim brotherhood plan for america" Keyword Found

al-Qaeda’s 7 Step Plan

Muslim Brotherhood’s “The Plan” Adina Kutnicki

with Direct Ties to Terrorists Lobby Congress
– Muslim Brotherhood Document The Inside Job To Destroy
ISLAM’S 20 YEAR PLAN FOR AMERICA – so how’s it going so far?
ISE-SW IBIOI Investigative Project

Muslim Brotherhood RationalWiki

30-Year Muslim Plan to Control America has Six Years to Go

February 2015 The Goal of the Muslim Brotherhood in
MB Memo for How to Rule America Muslim Brotherhood Scribd

The ultimate objective was not only an enlarged Muslim presence, but also implementation of the Brotherhood objectives of transforming pluralistic societies, particularly America, into Islamic states, and sweeping away Western notions of legal equality, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech.
It is also chaired by Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi. We have acquired and translated an interview conducted with Saleha Abedin. According to Saleha, her Committee follows the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief.
ACT for America president and founder Brigitte Gabriel, speaks at the Family Research Council’s Watchmen on the Wall event about the threat of radical Islam. In this clip she outlines the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan for the destruction of Western civilization. The Muslim Brotherhood has …
The strategic plan was written by a member of the Board of Directors for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America and senior Hamas leader named Mohammed Akram, and was approved by the Brotherhood’s Shura Council and Organizational Conference in 1987.
The New World Order According to Osama bin Laden KEITH R. LAVERY Security Strategies Contributor, April 27th, 2009. The Plan In early 1942 General George C. Marshall, then Chief of Staff for the U.S. Army, met with President Franklin D. Roosevelt and other military planners to create the Allied strategy to win WW2.
One person who dared to speak out about the Islamist threat is Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, a devout Muslim-American who served as an officer in the U.S. navy and also as a physician to the US Congress. After the FBI released the radical Islamist manifesto describing how to destroy America from within, Dr. Jasser decided to investigate.
Please note: The Muslim Brotherhood timeline coincides with the 2020 date in the first article. NLA has exposed the Silver Bullet to America and the rest of the world via a new Tool to understand its power to Return this nation to the Republic it was designed to be.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Master Plan Revealed To Conquer America Through “Civilization Jihad” This booklet contains an abridged, annotated
By Civilus Defendus (video, pdf) STAGE 1: INFILTRATION. Muslims begin moving to non-Muslim countries in increasing numbers and the beginning of cultural conflicts are visible, though often subtle.
The Muslim Brotherhood, or al-Ikhwan (the Brothers) is a Middle Eastern religious and political movement whose stated goal is to instil the Qur’an and Sunnah as the “sole reference point for ordering the life of the Muslim family, individual, community, and state.”
19/09/2017 · It amounted to the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic plan for the United States and was entitled, “An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.” The Explanatory Memorandum was written in 1991 by a member of the Board of Directors for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America and senior Hamas leader named Mohammed Akram. It had …
December 1982: Muslim Brotherhood Project to Infiltrate and Defeat the West Youssef Nada. [Source: Zuma Press/ NewsCom] In November 2001, Swiss investigators will search the home of Youssef Nada, the leader of Al Taqwa Bank, a Swiss bank that had just been shut down by the US and the UN for alleged ties to al-Qaeda, Hamas, and other radical militant groups (see November 7, 2001 ).

The Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic 30-year plan for taking
No Muslim Brotherhood in Oz! No Shari’a in Australia

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Master Plan Revealed To Conquer America Through “Civilization Jihad” This booklet contains an abridged, annotated
America, meaning: establishing an effective and a stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents
For example, in addition to CAIR, she highlights the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Muslim American Society (MAS), the Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPAC), the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) and many more tied to the Muslim Brotherhood by the Department of Justice in the Holy Land Foundation trial.
It amounted to the Muslim Brotherhood‘s strategic plan for the United States and was entitled, ―An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.‖ The Explanatory Memorandum was written in 1991 by a member of the Board of Directors for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America and senior Hamas leader named Mohammed Akram.
In 2004, the FBI raided a house and found a trove of evidence on the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan to Islamacize America including their master plan: ‘An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America’.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Goal For North America. Secret Government Document Comes To Light “Exhibit 003-0085” by the US Federal Government documenting the real plan of the Muslim Brotherhood.
It is also chaired by Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi. We have acquired and translated an interview conducted with Saleha Abedin. According to Saleha, her Committee follows the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief.
Our entire government has been completely infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood, who now even have their own political party. The U.S. government even trained ISIS in secret camps in Jordan. Obama flooded our country with Muslims in preparation for the coming war.
A number of Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers have attempted to downplay the significance of this document, claiming that it represents the view of one individual at a point in time. 23 The reality, however, is that the document was released by the Shura Council (governing body) of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America.
ACT for America president and founder Brigitte Gabriel, speaks at the Family Research Council’s Watchmen on the Wall event about the threat of radical Islam. In this clip she outlines the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan for the destruction of Western civilization. The Muslim Brotherhood has …

Muslim Brotherhood’s “The Plan” Adina Kutnicki
4 Stages of Islamic Conquest

Arab newspaper details Linda Sarsour and U.S. ‘Muslim Sisters’ allied to the Muslim Brotherhood
It was written by a senior member of the Brotherhood in the United States, and in one of its points stated, “The process of settlement in America of the Muslim Brotherhood is a civilization, Jihadist process, with all the word means. The Brothers must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and
America, meaning: establishing an effective and a stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents
Muslim Brotherhood’s Deliberate, Premeditated Plan Now Reaching Maturity MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD OPERATIVES IN THE UNITED STATES: FOUR INFILTRATION ROUTES United Assn. for Study & Research Holy Land Foundation Islamic Society of North America 1963 Muslims of the Americas Jama’at al-Fuqua 1980 Int’l Institute of Islamic Thought Assn of Muslim Social Scientists Assn of Muslim …
The strategic plan was written by a member of the Board of Directors for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America and senior Hamas leader named Mohammed Akram, and was approved by the Brotherhood’s Shura Council and Organizational Conference in 1987.
The Muslim Brotherhood plan for the infiltration and subordination of America is no different. Once again, the blueprint can be found in Hasan al-Banna’s Brotherhood bylaws, where, in Article (2
The Muslim Brotherhood is directly linked to a huge number of Islamic organizations such as CAIR, ISNA, ICNA, MSA, MAS and others in America to create the framework for spreading the barbaric Islamic rules in the West.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Strategic Plan For America – Court Document The following is the official document from a 1991 meeting which outlines the Muslim Brotherhood ’s strategic goals for North America.

Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America
with Direct Ties to Terrorists Lobby Congress

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Master Plan Revealed To Conquer America Through “Civilization Jihad” This booklet contains an abridged, annotated
It amounted to the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic plan for the United States and was entitled, “An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.” The Explanatory Memorandum was written in 1991 by a member of the Board of Directors for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America and senior Hamas leader named Mohammed Akram. It had been …
Muslim Brotherhood’s Deliberate, Premeditated Plan Now Reaching Maturity MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD OPERATIVES IN THE UNITED STATES: FOUR INFILTRATION ROUTES United Assn. for Study & Research Holy Land Foundation Islamic Society of North America 1963 Muslims of the Americas Jama’at al-Fuqua 1980 Int’l Institute of Islamic Thought Assn of Muslim Social Scientists Assn of Muslim …
The New World Order According to Osama bin Laden KEITH R. LAVERY Security Strategies Contributor, April 27th, 2009. The Plan In early 1942 General George C. Marshall, then Chief of Staff for the U.S. Army, met with President Franklin D. Roosevelt and other military planners to create the Allied strategy to win WW2.

6 thoughts on “Muslim brotherhood plan for america pdf

  1. The Muslim Brotherhood Plan to Dominate North America The Muslim Brotherhood plan to dominate North America has five phases. The first phase is to establish Muslim institutions and implant key MB leadership on a very discreet or secret basis.

    The Muslim Brotherhood in the United States
    Muslim Brotherhood Trump victory a “disaster”
    MB Memo for How to Rule America Muslim Brotherhood Scribd

  2. ACT for America president and founder Brigitte Gabriel, speaks at the Family Research Council’s Watchmen on the Wall event about the threat of radical Islam. In . ACT for America president and founder Brigitte Gabriel, speaks at the Family Research Council’s Watchmen on the Wall event about the threat of radical Islam. In this clip she outlines the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan for the

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  3. 19/09/2017 · It amounted to the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic plan for the United States and was entitled, “An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.” The Explanatory Memorandum was written in 1991 by a member of the Board of Directors for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America and senior Hamas leader named Mohammed Akram. It had …

    Muslim Brotherhood’s “The Plan” Adina Kutnicki

  4. 11/06/2017 · Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America.

    Muslim Brotherhood strategic plan for North America
    VrahnBharat Action Plan for the Indian Government – The

  5. ACT for America president and founder Brigitte Gabriel, speaks at the Family Research Council’s Watchmen on the Wall event about the threat of radical Islam. In this clip she outlines the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan for the destruction of Western civilization. The Muslim Brotherhood has …

    4 Stages of Islamic Conquest
    The Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic 30-year plan for taking
    Muslim Brotherhood & The Explanatory Memorandum For North

  6. For example, in addition to CAIR, she highlights the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Muslim American Society (MAS), the Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPAC), the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) and many more tied to the Muslim Brotherhood by the Department of Justice in the Holy Land Foundation trial.

    Muslim Brotherhood RationalWiki

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